So what woman does not have a secret shoe addiction….?

From as early as 2 years of age my shoe addiction started, my mum took me shopping one day to a local market in Widnes and as I passed a stall selling shoes my little eyes lit up and my dinky Donna hands reached out grabbed a cute little white strappy cork heeled summer sandal and I sat with it in my pram clutching on for dear life I can see the vision as clear as day…and all the time Mum had no idea until we got home and she lifted me out of the pram revealing exhibit A the stolen sandal ! Mum was mortified and immediately went back to the market stall and explained to the stall holder what I had done, and in true mum style instead of just handing back the stolen shoe she asked for the other one and bought them for me (probably due to the fact I was throwing a strop at the idea of her handing my Cinderella shoe over, so it was her way of getting me to shut the hell up!) and so my shoe addiction was born…..!

Over the years that addiction has grown, and anyone that knows me will back this up especially my sister Jeanette * who generally gets a handful of shoes from me every month along with a rack of cothes when I have a wardrobe organizing day, so what some see as an addiction I see as recycling  (to make room for more shoes haha!)

So with all of this in mind you can imagine my sheer delight when I saw a pair of Dior heels on eBay and the starting price was £0.99p …my bid was cast and I had to wait a whole 48hrs to see if I was in with a chance of winning these fabulous heels…

No one was bidding as the hours ticked away and I was having hot flushes every time I logged in to see if cinders had won her glass slippers…

The 48hrs rang in and …….I won them ! I was thrilled and couldn’t believe my luck.

Cl23_ltWYAASNF5The shoes arrived yesterday in their original Dior shoe box, I carefully unwrapped the box to reveal my perfectly wrapped almost brand new Dior heels! they really were like new, not a mark on them, black leather with the classic Dior point toe with Dior metalwork across the front (I was in shoe Heaven) I slipped my diddy size 3 feet into the shoes (danced around my bedroom in them lol) took a few adoring pictures as you do ! and then wrapped them back up and put them away for the next time I want to dance around the bedroom in a pair of designer heels hehe!

My shoe addiction continues and I think you will agree these are the hottest heels and all for the princely sum of £0.99p !

And on that note I will leave you all to drool over the pictures….after which I urge you all to head on over to eBay and grab yourself a designer bargain!

Have you had any great success stories from your eBay purchases?


Follow On Twitter: @Dior

Stay Beautiful  xx




  1. meinheels says:

    And I thought my Zanottis at £40 were cheap….that said I’m always concerned about ebay because it is down to the buyer to authenticate. My best picks were from Vestiaire, and I’m happy to pay a premium for their authentication team.

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